May your adventures always be good ones
Feb. 22, 2024

TV-RPGs ft. Grave New World

TV-RPGs ft. Grave New World

It's episode two and we're talking about what I like to call TV-RPGs - ttrpgs set in established worlds from television or film media as a whole. I interview the season one cast of my very own Buffy the Vampire Slayer campaign "Grave New World" (found at the Dirty20Gaming YouTube and Twitch channels). I interview BatKyle, who plays Yay the half-demon oracle, ManaQueen, who plays Ash the reluctant vampire slayer, Eddy, who plays the witch Miss Cheryl Darr, and Byzen, who plays Jack, an undercover government man with a dark past. Join us as we discuss the prevails and pitfalls of working with established lore and playing in a world we love, and hear how the world has impacted the characters from their own perspectives. You're in for another great episode. Let's goooo!


Triggers in the episode include: talk of death and dying, horror themes, vampires, emotions, and trauma


Spoiler warnings for Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, and Season 1 of Grave New World


Catch up on Season 1 of Grave New World!


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